
Thumb Drift game

Start your engines.. here comes ‪#‎ThumbDrift‬
a brand new car racing game from ‪#‎smgstudios‬ and Batterie the same team that brought you ‪#‎OneMoreLine‬ that was downloaded 7 million times and counting !
ThumbDrift is now available on the iTunes app store for free

Thumb Drift has charted in the top #5 in the USA iTunes app store chart

Get the game: https://itunes.apple.com/app/thumb-drift-furious-one-touch/id1001425491?mt=8

The original soundtrack is available to buy on itunes, amazon, google play and band camp.

You can stream the soundtrack on spotify and apple music.

Listen to the Thumb Drift soundtrack: https://soundcloud.com/batterie-1/sets/thumb-drift-game-soundtrack


Date: May 25, 2016